ISA-RC28 Summer 2019 - Family and Child Well‐being in East Asia


August 17, 2019


Princeton University


  • ISA-RC28 Summer 2019 - Family and Child Well‐being in East Asia
  • Date:August 17, 2019


Financially supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) 16H06323.

Event Reports

To understand the relationship between parental financial resources or parental educational background and child-wellbeing, researchers at the Center for Research on Equality of Opportunity for Children (CREOC) together with scholars from China, Korea, and US are working on the comparative studies using the data of family and children from those four countries.
Four researchers from CREOC attended to RC28 (Social Stratification) - International Sociological Association (ISA) Summer 2019 "Social Inequality and Social Mobility in Comparative Perspectives" to present our studies in a special session for our project, "Family and Child Well‐being in East Asia on Child Well-being in East Asia," chaired by Professor James Raymo, University of Wisconsin, Madison. There were also presentations by Chinese and Korean researchers.
This research is financially supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) 16H06323: “Investigation of the long-term causal effect of economic inequality on educational inequality based on longitudinal survey and experiments of parent-child pairs and international comparison.”